
Monday, October 1, 2018

10 Places I Want To Go Before I Die + Super Big Fun Announcement

Someone on insta suggested I do a dream destination post which I loved the idea of! You know I've actually done a post with places I want to go which you can find here but it low key wasn't genuine. I remember writing it and literally asking my dad where he wanted to go. Like Nabila, that's not the point of the post. For this post though I'm pretty excited! I'm going to make this more of a bucket list and I'll also include some more select places instead of like whole countries. Before we get started though as you might know my blogiversary is coming up! It's in November and this my blog is turning 5. That's so so so so so crazy to me and I want to do something really special! I want to do a month of collabs where all or most of my posts are collabs with other bloggers. I really really really want this to work so if you want to participate please email me at! For the collab maybe we could do an interview or guest post or any other kind of collab. :)
A Broadway Show 

I love musicals so so so so much and being able to go and see a Broadway show would just be so so so cool. Specifically, I would absolutely love to be able to see Hamilton. It doesn't even have to be on Broadway I just want to seem Hamilton. I know a lot of people you've seen it and they say it's so cool.

Eiffel Tower 

The Eiffel tower is like the travel place. It's so beautiful and I think I have it in my mind as just this romantic magical place. All of Paris really. I know it's super touristy but does that mean it's not awesome? No. You know my aunt got engaged in front of the Eiffel tower. I don't expect that to happen but just for anyone who might want to propose to me one day, I would be fine with that. You what would be super duper cool? If I could go with my friend who is french and has been there like twenty thousand times. That would be actually amazing.

The Statue Of Liberty

I can't say Broadway or the Eiffel tower without mentioning The Statue of Liberty! I mean she's Lady Liberty. She's like the symbol of America. It would also just be so cool to go to Ellis Island and see everything there. If you've taken history or just know things you probably know both of these but fun fact the statue was, first of all, a gift from France, was at first the color of a penny, and I didn't know this but originally the statue of liberty was actually supposed to have a sister statue in Egypt.

The Hollywood Sign

Hollywood. Wow. Celebs and movies and all of the thing. The Hollywood sign in the middle of that all. I have always wanted to go to California and getting a good picture in front of the Hollywood sign would just be so so cool. Did you know the Hollywood sign used to say Hollywoodland as I guess a name for the neighborhood for like rich people haha?

The Pyramids 

I am going to go to Egypt sometime in the future. Maybe. You know I was supposed to go this summer? It was going to be a family trip. WELL THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN AM I SOUR ABOUT IT? YES. I absolutely love history and as one of the oldest civilizations ever Egypt has a lot of that. The pyramids in particular just amaze me. Like hooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. I don't think people realize how hard it would have been to build a structure like that when they did. Now we have these humongous skyscrapers but they didn't have any of the technology we had today. Egyptians are geniuses y'all it's just a fact.


This is one of the only places that is a whole city but I can't think of just one place where I would love to go. I just want to go to like, all of it. One thing I think would be so cool is if I would be able to go with my dad. He literally has an English degree and did his thesis on old British literature. Guess where he's never been? ENGLAND. That seems not good. Plus he's so good at explaining things so I would make him research everything and then be my travel guide. That sounds bad but I promise I would do it because I think he should go haha. You know what would be just so cool? A little meet up of all of the bloggers I know who live there. Like how freaking awesome would that be??????? It could be a real recreation of that tag from a bit ago.

The Grand Canyon 

I've heard absolutely amazing things about the grand canyon and how gorgeous it is! When I look at the photos I'm just like, wow. Plusssssss it's in the US unlike a lot of these so I feel like it would be easier than some of the other ones on this list. Plus it's just gigantic. It is over 200 miles. That's freaking long.


Venice, Italy. It just sounds cool! Venice has always been one of the most interesting places for me. With the canal streets, it's also so crazy unique. Besides just the water though I love old or interesting buildings and the architecture in that city blows my mind. They look so cool??? And like I love it??? Wow, I literally just started scrolling through pictures of the city and I just now remembered what I was doing. I TOLD YOU IT LOOKS REALLY COOL. Also, I hear it's sinking???? I don't know if that's true???

Disney World

Or Disneyland, or just one of those places. I know this is a bit childish but don't judge me ok! I've wanted to go to Disneyland since I was like 3 and I never have. But I really really want to. It just seems like that magical place full of smiles and just Disneyness. Disney = Magic. Ok, but for the record, I'm blaming those YouTubers that go to Disney like every week for putting this into my mind again. They seem to go like every day it's very much not fair. And they're adults (well most of them), I'm an actual kid.

New Orleans 

New Orleans is only a couple of hours from where I live and I know so many people from there but I've somehow never been??? Plusssss my mom said something about possibly us going there soon for my dad's work so I might be able to go there soon. I love how it's a mix of all of these different cultures and Cajun food is one of my fave types of food like ever.

I feel like this is an accomplishable list so I hope I'm able to go to all of these places haha. Maybe I'll do a post when I'm like 70 or 80 (if not a post something) and see if I've gone to all of these places. Once again if you want to collab for my month of collabs please contact me at!! 

Where are some places you really want to go? What is your favorite place you've ever been? How many different countries have you been to? Where do you live? Is there anywhere you think I should add to this list? Should I do a post on 10 things I want to do before I die? 


  1. I hope that you visit all of them, darling! <3
    Khadija | October's Lallu

  2. I've been to 3 of these (London, Disney and Hollywood) and they were all insane... I hope you get the chance to go there some time!!

    Loved this post idea (might steal at some point if that's okay, with 100% creds to you of course!)

    Lexie x

    1. That's so cool!! Yeah same haha!!

      You should so steal it Lexie!! I would love to read that!!

  3. If I was able to go to Broadway and see a Boradway play or whatever, it would be Chess. The politically charged one about a American and a Soviet Chess Grandmaster in the Cold War Era .

    1. I've never heard of that! That sounds really cool!

  4. I'd be scared to go to anywhere in France because supposedly they are having major violence issues and it is not the safest place to go. If I had ANYWHERE I could choose to go, it would probably honestly, First Minnesota, then Neighboring state of South Dakota. It sounds really pretty.

  5. I love when bloggers share their travel bucket lists!! (I must share mine too hehe) I would love to visit the same places as you. I hope we both will get a chance to go there one day :)

    1. Haha same!! And ye syou should so share yours!!
