
Wednesday, January 15, 2020

there was a shooting at my school and now someone is dead


If you haven’t been following along on my instagram story, you might not know that yesterday a student was shot dead by another student on my school campus as school was close to getting out. I’m not sure about the specifics. Some people say they were friends who got into a fight and some people are saying it was an accident.

All I know? Someone is dead.

Isabel and I were talking and about to head home yesterday when an administrator came out of her office and told us to get out of the building immediately. When we got out, there were a bunch of police cars and friends saying they saw someone getting CPR. We were confused and had NO IDEA what was going on.

I got home and went to karate and by the time I got out, a lot more info had come out and I had about a thousand texts from people asking me if I was ok and the news that someone had been killed at my school while I was there and that they hadn’t caught the person who had done it (they have since arrested a suspect).

Even if it wasn’t on purpose THAT IS TERRIFYING. I’m guessing the guy had run away by the time school ended or something like that because they didn’t sound an alarm?? Like they told us to get out but didn’t tell us anything else.

I just want to say something that I said in my story one more time: GUNS ARE THE PROBLEM. Yeah, people are freaking terrible but guns fuel that violence. No kid should ever have access to a gun. We don’t have these kinds of problems in other countries because they either don’t have guns or have stricter laws. I have gotten multiple messages from people who don’t live in the US saying things like “wow I can’t imagine” or “omg that has never happened here”. But I’ve also gotten multiple messages from people who live in the US saying they’ve had similar problems.

We need stricter laws, we need leaders who actually have a conscience and can’t be bribed by the NRA, and we need assault rifles and guns used by the military to be outright banned. I’m sorry but no civilian needs that. We need to change.

There have already been incidents with guns on campus and in the past 4 years, there have been at least 4 threats with people saying they’re going to come to shoot up the school I’m at. That ISN’T NORMAL. These things can’t be normalized and we can’t become numb to it because then the people in charge are going to get away with doing nothing.

My heart goes out to the family and everyone who knew the person who died. I didn’t but it’s still so sad. If y’all want to do things to make sure this doesn’t happen again check out this link from everytown and also the student's demand site. I'm signed up for there newsletter + texting group and they're always sending new info about bills you can support

For the rest of today, I’m going to do some homework and then probably just rest. They thankfully canceled school because dang I am kind of worn out. If you're going through the same thing, take care of yourself!! 

P.S. I've done two other posts on gun violence here and here 

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

photos that defined my decade

first day of kindergarten

naomi's first day 

fashion show things


that one time I did soccer (2012)

eden's first day

9 years old bday (2013

mom's first roller derby bout

I started blogging sometime around this time!!

the first flood (2015)


first day of middle school

womens march

marfa x2

everyone who flooded getting together 

womens march x2

grace vanderwall

march for our lives

njhs induction

started karate