Thursday, December 3, 2015

Daily December- 1,2,3 + some other stuff

This is my first post of december and I really shouldn't be posting right now. What I should be doing is being at camp and horse riding. For my school all of the 5th graders went to a camp for the week but I went home last night because I was sick and ended up throwing up :( I am not very happy about this but I decided to make the best of it by doing a blog post :)

Elly is doing a daily challenge in december called Daily December and I have decided to do it! Here is her post on it. Since I was gone for the first few days I'm just going to catch up and do all of the ones I missed today.

The first prompt is December Goals

1. See Mockingjay part 2
2. Get a present for all of the family I'm celebrated christmas with
3. Try to take some pics of snow/ice or something wintery like that.
4. Hopefully do all of these daily december post (when can)

The second prompt is OOTD. This is my outfit from today.

(I'm still just the tiniest sick so the photo/outfit is not the best)

And last but not least the 3rd challenge and the one from today is a rant about..... And I admit I don't really know what to rant about :( So I've decided just to skip that.

Hope you're having a good day! What are some of your December Goals?


  1. You look sick in the picture! I hope you feel 100% soon!

    Allie D.

  2. Ya me too. Thanks for caring Allie!

  3. Aww Nabila hope you get better soon! Lovin your style by the way ^ ^

    Rukiya XX

  4. Get better soon Nabila!
    Ahh I'm so glad your still posting even though your sick!

  5. Oooh MockyJay! Lol. Hope you get better soon! :) I'll be reading these. Haha and it's okay I didn't start this challenge until yesterday too! :)
    Ellie R.

    1. Ya I really want to see mockingjay and that totally makes me feel better :)

  6. Great post!
    Thank you so much for doing Daily December!


  7. Great post xx I saw mocking jay part two and it's really good :)


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