Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Roses are Red

So recently (actually just this sunday) I had a little photoshoot. And since I haven't done it in like forever I was actually the one in the pictures.

I decided to wear this bright red dress.

I paired it with this super adorable bracelet that my aunt gave me for my birthday (shoutout to her).

Since It is fall I thought a really bright red like this would work perfectly. 

I am seriously so proud of my hair! I took a shower the day before and then put it in a braid and then a bun. I slept in that and when I woke up an undid the bun this is how it looked. It makes me so happy!

*The absence of my face is because I am not aloud to show my face on the internet except for the profile picture that I have now. 

If you guys don't know my birthday was on the 4th. I am having a party this weekend. Aka I have and maybe will be getting presents. I am planning on doing a birthday haul post either next tuesday or saturday so watch out for that!

How did you guys like this? Should I do for fashion posts? Should I do more outfit posts? What have you been doing recently? Would you like more photos of me? How should I improve posts like this? 


  1. aye can i come to your party i'll be wearing a pierce the veil shirt and a choker ok thanksss. xD
    anyway, so very stupid question, do you want to do a hangout chat tomorrow or something? just curious.

    1. Haha. If I knew you in real life or if you lived close to me I would definitely invite you. Unfortunately that I know of none of those things are true. Yeah I would love to do a hangout chat tomorow!

  2. Hello dear! This giveaway ends tomorrow http://living-like-v.blogspot.ba/2016/09/30k-views-giveaway-wsdear.html and if you want to enter please just do the first step , you don't have to do the third one if you don't want to, but please do the first one so I can enter you in the giveaway! Looking forward to hearing from you!x

  3. Your dress is really pretty! :)

    Also, I was wondering- did you ever finish up your 6-word story contest, or did I just miss it?

  4. Happy late birthday! Mine was on the 29th of September. Your hair and dress both look stunning!

    - Edie

    1. Thanks Edie! Happy late birthday to you as well. Thanks!


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