Friday, June 9, 2017

6 People I Low Key Totally Want To Be

I become obsessed with people easily and I am not really sure why. I have this thing where I don't really become obsessed with that many other things (the hunger games was an exception) but with amazing peoples I can sometimes get carried away. Here are 6 peoples who I absolutely adore or would totally want to be.

Emma Watson

I have said it on here before but I seriously love Emma Watson. She is just so cool. I mean:

-She's British
-She is an actor
-She was in harry potter
-Harry would basically be dead if it wasn't for her
-She keeps acting 
-She is a feminist and actually does stuff 
-She somehow made the story of Belle more amazing 
-I recently figured out she can sing 
-She is a UN Goodwill Ambassador 

See! She is kind of awesome. Like extremely awesome. 

Lin-Manuel Miranda

Like I can't  not include this guy. If you don't know who he is he was the magic behind Hamilton and also did some of the songs in Montana.  

-He wrote a whole show
-He starred in said show 
-The said show became one of the most famous Broadway shows like ever 
-He does stuff  
-His tweets are amazing 
-He worked on the Moana soundtrack which I love at the moment 
-He also works on film
-He is just an overall super cool person 

Jessie Paege

She is not the most well-known YouTuber but I for reals I think she should be. Her channel is seriously adorable. 

-She recently turned 18 but she has been doing videos for a while 
-She has bright pink hair which is basically what I want my hair to look like 
-She is a mermaid 
-She recently commented on one of my comments on her videos and I kind of freaked out
-She is funny
-Her style is the best thing ever 
-Oh she is also a unicorn 
-She also plays guitar and is so good at it but she doesn't brag or anything
-She really tries on her videos  
-She also has a side channel that is just as cool 


I seriously want to be Zoella.

-She started out as a blogger
-I am a blogger
-She then became one of the most famous YouTubers of all time with like 11 million subscribers
-I want to become a YouTuber 

Do you understand? Oh also: 

-Zalfie is so cute
-She is a beauty YouTuber but she is not scared to just be herself 
-She is funny 
-Her hairstyles are kind of awesome and I might be obsessed 

Lilly Singh 

This is just turning into my favorite YouTubers. Superwoman is just so cool.

-She is real
-She is also a unicorn 
-She is an empowered woman who is actually doing something 
-Her videos are the funniest things 
-She has a new book about being the best self you can be 
-She vlogs every day and I might just watch them 
-She went on tour but I sadly didn't get to go
-Her hair (this is a very valid point)

Michelle Obama 

Aka the first lady not too long ago.  

-The whole first lady thing 
-Her style 
-She is a role model 
-She advocates for so many good causes 
-Just overall her 

And that is all for now! If you like this post please say so and also follow my blog. Comment down below one of your favorite people. :)


  1. I think you should be Lilly Singh! She looks a lot like you!

  2. BTW, I want to be Lilly Singh too!

  3. I also like Emma and Zoella! Will check out the other youtubers. Thanks for sharing! :)

    1. Yeah you totally should check them out. :) Totally!

  4. I only know three of these ladies, but the ones I know are all incredible women, so I have no doubt the others are too!

    Great list of inspiring women, Nabila!



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