Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Behind the scenes tag/some pretty outdoorsy pics

I am going to do a new tag by the wonderful blogger Noor, The behind the Scenes Tag

Where do you blog?
 I usually blog in my chair in my living room with the big window right behind it.  My legs are usually in a scrunched up position with my computer kind of sideways in my lap. I know that, that is not really good but it has become a habit. 

Where do you find inspiration for your blog posts? 
I find inspiration anywhere and everywhere.  Usually it is what I'm doing that day and I think to myself "how can I make this look good, but still fun to read?". But more often than that I find inspiration from other bloggers like when they do tags and things of that sort. And then of course I find inspiration from my photography and the pictures I took. Though sometimes it is the other way around and my pictures are actually inspired from something. 

How long does it take you to write the post?
If I am just writing then probably around 20-40. If I have to take pictures or prepare in some way then I will usually take and hour to 3 hours at most. It usually doesn't take long though. 

Do you plan your blog posts? How?
Unless it is something like a post with a bunch of pics that are themed or something like that then I sometimes plan it but otherwise I really just get on my computer and type until something interesting comes out. 

What kind of camera do you use? What editing program?
 I usually just use my dads phone with is an Samsung 5 or my moms with is a samsung 4. For and editing program most of the time I just use picmonkey and nothing real fancy. 

Do you use any notebook to track your ideas?
I don't have a notebook but a couple ages in my binder is dedicated to ideas though I never really use it. When I have an idea I usually just do it instead of waiting por writing it down. 

How do you take your pictures?
I don't have anything to stand the camera up so I am usually just keeling/standing/perching near the thing that I want to take a picure of and trying not to make my hands shake to much.

What's your favorite type of blog post to write?
I really don't have a favorite kind of post to do.

Who knows about your blog?
Well all of my readers I guess but in real life I would say my parents, sisters, and close friends.  Sometimes my mom also tells her friends but I am not sure they ever actually take the time to look. 

Are you an organized or messy blogger?
I think that depends on what you meen. I am messy in the way of structure of sentence and posts, but then I am super organized like the other day I made a to-do list for the week. 

Biggest blogging pet peeve?
I would say when people just post the same thing thing that someone else is posting just because it's popular. I think that you should post about what you're interested in. 

I tag: Every single blogger reading this post. 

Also besides the tag I took a couple of pictures this afternoon that I don't think actually turned out half bad. 


  1. Cute! The photos turned out great! :)

    Allie D.

  2. Awesome pictures, Nabila. I love the last one... <3

    ~Maddie xox

  3. Great photos Nabila! And thank you for doing the tag :)


    1. Thanks and ya I think that it was a really good tag idea


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