Monday, October 5, 2015

Blogtober day five: 5 tips for new bloggers

Once again I am doing blogtober. The theme today is tips for new bloggers, some older bloggers could use these tips to. Hope these help!

Get a good, but appealing design
You should get some kind of design.It doesn't even have to be professionally made though there are a lot of people willing to do it for free, like cece or Isabel. You can make it yourself but don't make the colors so bright that it is hard to look at.

You won't get popular right away
When I first started I only had one follower and that was my grandmother and almost no comments. But if that happens to you do not get discouraged. A lot of people do but I advise not to and then that first comment or follower will be a big reward.

Get yourself out there
People will not go to your blog if you just keep posting and that's all. You need to go on other peoples blogs and comment with your url to your blog. You could say something nice about the post and say that you are new than you can ask them to go to your blog. It is as easy as that. 

Read other blogs
Everyone needs some inspiration once and a while and reading other blogs is a great way to do it. When you see a tag you could do that or reading the post could just snap something in your mind that remind you of a post idea.

Post what you like
I know that is is really temping and easy to just post what everybody is talking about. But if you think about know one would want to read it cause they already know. You have to post stuff that is true to yourself and stuff that actually interesting you. I ask that question to myself after I am none with every post and I admit I have actually deleted some post because of it.

Have a good day! Also if you didn't know yesterday was by B-day.


  1. Great tips Nabila, thanks for participating!


  2. Hi Nabila's readers! I am selling blog accessories and design templates!

    Allie D.

  3. Awesome tips Nabila! You are a great blogger =)

    ❤ Blaze Ann

    1. Thanks a lot that really makes my day when people say nice things

  4. I think everyone can relate to not having any followers. I think it took me about a year, but that's good becuase if you look at older posts of mine you notice all the ramebling I do.

  5. Great post. Enjoyed a lot. You can also check . Please share your comments.


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