Saturday, October 3, 2015

Blogtober day 3:October-to-be-read

I am going to be doing the blogtober thing again and this time the theme is october-to-be-read. I have some pretty good books that I want to show you so let's get started.

This is the first book in the series. This book just got my eye because it is about a genies who does not want to be known as a nerd and that in my opinion sounding interesting.

This is the second book in a series that I really love. It is about 12 year olds who have powers. 

This is a Texas bluebonnet book that a lot of people that I know have read. Like seriously last friday 2 of my friends both had the book and the actually mixed them up and they both ended up with the wrong copy.

Ok so that alls but later this afternoon I will be going to this park opening with some really pretty stuff so be on the lookout for that. Although it is all day so I will probably post the pics tomorrow. 


  1. I need to get back into the habit of reading actual books, all I spend my time doing is reading everyone's blog which I enjoy!

  2. Happy Birthday to one of my favorite girls! Love you


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