Monday, October 2, 2017

Interview With Little Miss Wizzy

I have a very special guest on the blog today on this lovely Monday who goes by the name of Little Miss Wizzy. She is one of my best friends so I got her to start a blog (do you see a trend both here and here). She started it a couple months ago and hasn't posted that much but she is back on and posting on her marvelous blog weekly. She asked me if we could do an interview swap and I, of course, said yes because friends forever right? Maybe? Ok? So now welcoming LittleMissWizzy also known as Isabel to the few lucky people who know her offline!

harry potter applause maggie smith GIF

What is your name and what does it mean?
Isabel, devoted to god

That's so cool and I actually did not know that. What is your blog name and what does it mean?
LittleMissWizzy, it came from a club name, wizzy, the club required a made up name that started with W or a breakfast food. I was having trouble coming up with a name. My friend took my nickname, Izzy, and added a W. Wizzy!

So like an online game or something I'm guessing. How do you spend an average day?
I like to start off my day watching YouTube. I love watching DIYs and recently bought a hot glue gun. I like to invite over friends or think about my next post.

Yeah, youtube is basicly life. What are your favorite hobbies?
I like video games and crafts. Inviting over friends are a light to my day!
So inviting me over is what I'm hearing pretty much. Interesting. Interesting. What is your favorite thing about me/Nabila?
Nabila is one of my best friends. Though I mess with her a lot, I really care for her. She is a great friend!

Awwwww thanks. Definitely did not just add that question so you would say that. Definitely not. How do you come up with blog posts?
I watch videos and get ideas from friends. Sometimes ideas just pop into my head! :)

Cool cool. Same. What does your blog mean to you and why do you
I got the idea to blog from my great friend, Nabila! Once again she is a great friend!

Because I'm of course very inspiring. If you could hang out/meet any living person for an hour who would it be?
Right now, Michelle Obama. I feel like she is an inspiring girl who deserves to be loved. I have a book about an amazing woman, and she's on the 3rd page!

That's awesome! What are you super annoyed about right now?
For annoyed, the answer will always be my sister.

Told you she was awesome! Make sure to go check out her blog and give her a follow.  She is a super cool person and an awesome friend. While you're at it if you haven't already followed my blog using that little gadget to the left of this post or with Bloglovin' make sure to go do so! Also, my birthday is like in 2 days and I'm like FREAKING OUT because I will be A TEENAGER and I'm like actually scared. SEND HELP. 

Do you enjoy my interview posts? Do you want to be interviewed on my blog (find out how to do that here)? What are your answers to some of the questions I asked Isabel? How did you find my blog? When is your birthday and how old are you? Have any advice to me as a new teenager? 


  1. I was going to ask my lawyer to tell your lawyer to wish you a "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!", but he says he'd have to charge at the hourly rate ($350). So, uh ... you know.

    -- The Party of the First Part

    1. Haha ok. :) Well the thought is what counts!

  2. Super awesome post Nabila! My first interview, this one, will always be my favorite! I hope we can do something like this again! I hope all of you, Nabila's readers, also liked this post and will hopefully check mine out as well! Cant wait for your next post Nabila and I'm excited to hand you your gift on your very special 13th birthday! - Throws confetti Everywhere and regrets it because its going to be stuck in her hair for a month -

    1. Thanks Isabel! I am also pretty excited to get whatever gift you have for me because alongside some other things GIFTS ARE LIFE. *runs away from confetti but then starts laughing and just throws more*

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I'm so excited for you, being a teenager can be a lot of fun! :D
    The only advice I have for you is very cliché.... it's be yourself. It will be hard sometimes, and you'll find yourself wanting to just be like everyone else, but remember that only dead fish go with the flow! XD

    I'll be sure to check out Isabel's blog, she sounds like an awesome person! ^_^

    1. THANK YOU! I think being yourself although it is very cliche is very good advice but it can be super hard for me sometimes. Also I have never heard anyone say "only dead fish go with the flow" but I like kind of love that phrase. Haha.

      You should totally check out Isabel's blog! She's really cool. :)

  4. Today is your birthday ... and no one has written a thing. Well isn't that just typical! People don't even have the common courtesy to wish a girl well on the one day when it matters! Disgusting!

    Not to be indelicate about it or nothin' but if you happen to get any money could you maybe loan me a few bucks? You know ... for legal bills and such.

    -- Ray (still under court order not to DIRECTLY wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!)

  5. Happy birthday! (a few days late but still)


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