You know those nights. When you are tired. Like super tired. But you also have like ten million things of homework left? Yeah that happens sometimes. Or you know a lot depending on the school you go to. Or maybe it is not homework but instead you desperately have to finish binge watching the whole season of that tv show. Yeah... That happens sometimes too. In this post I am going to give you guys some tips on how to stay awake when you are super super tired.
1. Be active
Move around. Run. Sit up sit down. Just move and didn't let yourself stay in one position or else there is a possibility that you will wake up in the morning with no idea why you aren't in bed.
2. Drink something with caffeine
I personally don't like coffee like at all but I do hear that it helps keep you up. Stuff like caffeinated tea also helps.
3. Drink a cold drink
In the morning when I first wake up and I am not really up but I need to go to school a lot of times I will drink a cold drink like apple juice that has been in the fridge. It is refreshing and definitely helps me stay awake.
4. Talk with someone or just sing a song to your self
It will help keep you because first you have to think and second it makes you move (your mouth at least) which as I said helps.
5. Sit up straight
The reason we sleep on our backs and not standing or sitting up is because laying down increases tiredness.
6. Stare at a screen
TVs and phones and computers and ipods and kindles and all of those other stuff have this type of lighting that pretty much keeps you awake (I don't know the whole science of it or anything). Anyway it keeps you up. A lot of times my parents will be super annoying about this and not let me use my computer like ten million hours before I go to bed because it will "keep me up". Bahhh!
7. Just go outside
If it is dark this won't help but if it is during the day go outside and just enjoy the sunshine. The sun like tells your body to wake up pretty much.
8. Splash your face with water or take a cold shower
I also do this in the morning when I need to go to school. Putting cold water on your face just awakens your senses and helps you not fall asleep.
And that is it for now! Comment down below your tips for staying up and also if the tips I gave helps you. Thanks and bye!