Saturday, November 3, 2018

My Essentials For Fall

This is my first collab of the month and I've decided to do fall essentials with the awesome Lanie! It's so fall now. Like it's november y'all. Winter starts in december, we don't have long. I thought it would be fun to roundup some of our top essentials and just things we need for this fun season. :)

*there are some links in this posts that are affiliate links which means if you buy something through the link I will get a small comision to no extra cost to you


One of my favorite thing ever probably year round is cozying up in a blanket but it's even better in the colder months. I am literally under a blanket as I type this. They just make me feel so cozy and calm.

Use my code "hottowncoolgirl" to get 15% off

Cute sweaters

Sweaters are freaking great y'all. I think some people don't realize the greatness of the sweater. It saddens me honestly. Like that's not cool. You can slip on this thing which is probs supes cute so you'll be even cuter than you already are, you'll be warm, and it's comfy. Seriously the amount of times I've worn that one sweater that my grandma made for me is too many to count.

Use my code "hottowncoolgirl" to get 15% off


I was just talking about sweaters but hoodies are a whollllle other level. Hoodies don't even compare. For most of the year I like sweaters better because I can actually easily take them off easily where with hoodies I really can't. For those like two days that it's actually cold in houston though? YEAH HOODIES ARE MY BEST FRIEND. They can be so cute and are just so cozy which is I guess the theme word for this post haha.

Hot drink

I have been drinking these hair hot chocolate things that cocoa locks sent me recently like every night and it's probably not good?? But I'm still going to because it tastes really good and it's supposed to be good for your hair so like IT'S HEALTHY OK DON'T JUDGE ME. I also drink (herbal) tea a lotttt. I just love warm drinks especially at night cause it calms me down and is good when it's cold.

Something orange

Fall is the season of halloween and just all things orange so for fall of course you need orange things. It could be a whole t-shirt or maybe it's room decor. A mini pumpkin alllllways works. I have this cute little hair clip that has a little spider on it and its orange and black that I've been wearing lately that I think is super fun and just puts me in the mood.


I lovvvvve leggings so much!! I actually don't have that many though so like if anyone wants to change that I would be soooo fine with. Leggings are perfect for fall when it's too cold for shorts but it's either not cold enough or you're just not feeling, lets say, pants. Plus you can layer them and they're just super comfy.


I love boots of allll shapes and sizes (shoutout to my two pairs of converse boots that have now both broken, someone get me new ones please and thanks) but I've especially been loving my booties I've been wearing a lot lately!! You can dress them up and down and just ahh I love.

Yayyy that was fun. I hope y'all love that! Make sure to go check out Lanie and all of her fall essentials. :) Comment down below what your fall essentials are! 


  1. All of these are so cute! I love those sweaters.

  2. Love this. Was looking for some hoodies so I will be taking a look at that link! Sweaters is my fall weakness.

    1. So happy you like it Vanessa. :) And yes you totally should! Sweaters are great. :)

  3. I really like sweater/hoodies? Can't tell the difference because I thought sweaters were the ones without hoods? And hoodies are the ones WITH hoods? Maybe only in Ireland, then xD

    I like hot drinks as well. You might think this is gross but I just like lemons in hot water? Just squeeze some inside freshly boiled water and it's really refreshing for me xD

    1. Ok so I have a kind of weird definition of things. For me sweaters are like usually yarn and they don't connect in the middle and they don't have a zipper. A hoodie is a sweatshirt which is one that goes all the way across plus has a hood. So pretty much what you said but yeah it's probs a bit different.

      That sounds good!

  4. It was great to see what are your fall essentials! I love hoodies (I even wear one at the moment, haha) and sweaters, too. They look awesome and they're so comfy and warm :D

    I've just nominated you for an award and I'll be very happy if you do it on your blog :)

    1. Yesssss hoodies and sweaters are great!! I love them!

      Thanks for nominating me I'll go check it out. :)


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