Saturday, August 13, 2016

12 Back to School Tips and Life Hacks Everyone Needs to Know 2016-2017

School is coming up *everyone screams in terror*. Yes the dreaded time has come. I already did a whole post with a bunch of back to school post idea here.  I go back really really soon. A lot of people already started school. So that is why I am giving you guys some back to school tips everyone needs to know. Enjoy!

Pick out a cute first day of school outfit 

First impressions people! With a new year you can make a new you and the perfect way to do that is to have a cute new outfit on the first day of school. If you want a post with tips for first day of school outfits please comment down below. 

Get cute but useful school supplies

I recently went school supplies shopping and it was so fun! I am thinking about doing a haul. But I made sure to buy everything that was on my list and pretty much nothing extra. Make sure to get the stuff that you need first. 

Once you find out your teachers learn some about them

Every year once I found out my teachers I also kind of research them to find out what I should suspect. It sounds kind of creepy but it is ok! It is not actually creepy. Well it kind of is. Hmmm... Anyway ways you can do this is to look at there wikies if they have one or just ask some kids who had the teacher.

About a week before school starts start waking up at the time you would on a school day

You need to get your mind and body read to wake up early. You don't want to look tired on the first day of school. 

Go to all orientations and new kid stuff

If you are going into a new school I totally recommend taking some tours and a lot of times the school has special stuff for you! A lot of times it is called meet the teacher or some kind of bridge program. I just went to one a couple days ago that was really fun. 

Practice opening a lock

For me this will be the first time I have ever ever had a locker (I am going into middle schol). I was taught how to open a locker but I am not very good at it. If you are in situations like mine you should totally practice so that you can do it fast in between classes. 

Pick out 3 things you did in the summer that you really liked

People are going to want to learn about your summer. It is going to happen. And so to make everyone's day better pick out some stuff you will tell everyone before hand.

Get a new diary or journal

I get if you don't like diaries. I think they are pretty cool. A school year a new notebook. Clean pages. It is inspiring. Plus writing down thoughts and ideas is really good for you (I think). 

Decorate your new school supplies

Go DIYs people! Personalizing stuff is fun and easy and awesome. Washi tape is a really easy and awesome thing to use to spice up some old pens or notebooks. 

Write a bucket list for the year

Like 5-10 things you want to focus on this year,. Maybe being nicer or getting an A average grade. You want to have goals so that you are working towards something. 

Clean your room 

It is a lot easier to study and work when your room is clean. And in the summer you actually have time.

Make a list of some foods you want to bring to school

I always bring my lunch to school and I like to pick out about 3-5 meals that I will always have to bring to school. This is easier so that in the morning when you have no idea what to make you can just look at your list and make something on there. 

Here is a little infographic to sum the post up. 

So when do you go back to school? Do you like my post? What are some of your back to school tips? Should I do a back to school supplies haul? Should I do a post with school lunch and breakfast ideas?


  1. These are some great tips, Nabila!

  2. Great tips and ideas, Nabila! Thanks for sharing. :)

  3. Wonderful tips Nabila! These are definitely things that I can use in the new school year :)

  4. Awesome tips! and yay an infographic!

    - Edie

  5. These are all great tips! When I first needed to start using a lock for school, practicing over the summer really helped me ♥
    Amy xx

    Little Moon Dragon

  6. A bucket list for goals during the year is a good idea. I did that one year and updated how they were going throughout the year in a journal.
    Let's face it, who doesn't look up their teacher's name to see what they're like, I know I do, so don't worry, if it's creepy we'll be creepy together :)

    You're Just Right

    1. That's cool! Was it helpful for you? Awesome! We are in this together then.


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