Thursday, January 4, 2018

What I Got For Christmas 2017

I should have posted this earlier but I was planning on making a video as well but then I was like "Well no ones gonna want to watch a what you got for Christmas like a month after Christmas" which is probably when I would have gotten around to filming it so you know.  I had a fabulous Christmas at my grandparents house with some family. I know I personally love posts like this because I'm super nosy so I thought some of you would like it as well. :)

*Disclaimer I'm not trying to brag or anything so don't take it that way. :)
** also the photos aren't that great but it's ok don't judge

First up is this beautiful color set! The two days before new years eve we stayed with some of my parents friends and one of them got this for me. It also comes with some colored pencils and it's animal themed and it's just so cute!

These were all from my grandmother. I love the slippers because they're soft and have little sheep on them. :) :)

These were all from my little sister Naomi! She got me the chokers because she knew I needed some and then she made me the cute hair clips. 

Don't mind my weird fingers but isn't this just so I don't travely feeling? It's actually a photo book and it has these cute quotes all over it. I think I'm going to use it as a little scrapbook for the year. 

The butterfly necklace and earrings were from my grandmother and the necklace was from my aunt. They're all super pretty and I'm definitely going to be wearing them more in the future.   

Stocking stuffers! A Clemson headband, some nail polish, chap stick, and that weird ball game thing. It's almost like a rubix cube and you have to move the little balls so that they coordinate with the correct color. I am so bad at it *laughs*

Last but not least I got this tripod for my phone! It also comes with a remote that connects to my phone through Bluetooth so it's a lot easier to get pictures of myself for my blog and stuff like that. All of the photos from Monday's post (which I would love for you to check out by the way) were taken with it. I've been wanting a tripod for a long time both for videos and photos so I have to say it's my favorite gift. :) 

You can find lasts years Christmas haul here. I hoped you liked that! I'm also thinking of doing a bit of a life update post talking about moving and how my house got torn down recently and all of that stuff. Would love your thoughts! Also because as mentioned above I'm super nosy and I would love to know what you got for Christmas and if you don't celebrate your favorite thing about the holidays. :) Comment down below!



    The tripod. is. so. cool! Let me know how you like it! I might have to get myself one of those. ;) It sounds like you had a lovely holiday!

    xx Kenzie

    1. Ahhh same! It's just so fun you know?

      Oh my gosh thank you! Yeah no I have been loving it so much! It's making taking photos a lot easier! It's also been making me want to to take photos more which has been making really happy. I totally recommend getting one! Yeah I had a really nice holiday. :)

      Thanks for commenting your comments make me smile. :)

  2. I love that beautiful colour set + the photo book!! And that tripod is so cool. Hope you had an amazing Christmas.

    Lexie x

    1. Thanks! Yeah I love them to! I did! Happy new year!


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