Monday, April 29, 2019

Hiking With Ten Children In Brazos Bend State Park | Photo Diary

Over spring break I went hiking with my family and some other peoples! It was a lot of fun and I took a bunch of pictures so I thought I would share a fun little picture diary. :)

I also did a vlog of break which I would love for y'all to check out. :)

We woke up pretty early and I got changed into my hiking clothessss. :) It was kind of chilly so I put on some leggings, a long t-shirt, my purple sweater, and of course a hat. 

About 2 hours later we were there. :) Right when we arrived, the children saw this tree and just ran to it. Then of course the parents had to take pictures. Dealing with big groups of people is an ordeal you guys. 

My friend Lydia

This is the daughter of one of my moms friends and she is pretty much one of the cutest humans ever. She has the voice of a doll or something.

Before we got started, we went out onto this little pier and looked around trying to spot some alligators. 

And then we started actually walking along the trail.

Yay it's meeee

These cute sisters were to adorable not to take a pic of. :)

On our path was this tall little watchtower you could climb up so, of course, we did! The view was really cool. The land was almost kind of like a swamp but it was gorgeous.

Nature reflection pics will always be my fave haha. 

We saw an alligator on the side of the path! It was just sitting there. I think it was asleep but I'm not sure. 

The wild flowers were absolutely gorgeous. The natural colors and just beauty of this world sometimes amazes me. 

We had our mandatory photo shoot with the flowers.

Eden found a caterpillar on one of the flowers.

Then we found this monster cave so duh more pictures haha. I pictured that giant spider thing from Harry Potter living in there. 

After four miles and two or so hours of walking, we were donnne. It was slow but fun. Afterwards I literally came home and passed out on the couch. I never sleep during the day so that actually means something haha.  

Have you ever been to a state park? Have you ever been hiking? Do you enjoy being in nature?


  1. -gasps- the pictures are beauty-full! kinda reminds me of when our family friends (like, 20 people) used to go camping.. I wish I'd taken pictures back then XD
    photo diaries are the best; it sounds like you had fun!

    1. Awww thanks so much!! Haha 20 people camping sounds super fun (and a bit crazy). I love photo diaries as well!!

  2. Hiking is a lot of fun!


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