Tuesday, April 18, 2017

What is a word FT. A Post Where I Talk About Words

As a writer and singer and blogger I am very interested in words. In how they sound in your mouth. In your head. In your heart.

A word by definition is "a single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing, used with others (or sometimes alone) to form a sentence and typically shown with a space on either side when written or printed."


So a word is is one part of a language that means something. But only with other words can it mean something that actualy does something.

I have noticed an interesting thing lately about myself and all of my friends will agree that I do this a lot. Whenever there is an argument about a word or anything really that has to do with talking I will look up the definition of the word and read it aloud and then be all like "boom!" (because I do that alot). I act as if I won something by looking up a word and its meaning.

But recently a friend of mine brought up a really great point. She said that words have so many different meanings and one word could be like ten million things to people. Doesn't really have to do with the point above but it made me think.

A word is just a sound that overtime has gained meaning. Everyone (that is speaking english) calls the wood type thing in the dining room that we eat at "table" (usually). For other languages though they call it other things. That doesn't mean they're wrong. It just means they assigned a different sound to the inanimate object.

The english language is complicated. Like really complicated. It is one of the hardest second languages to learn (and first languages for that matter) because there are just so many rules and words and different meanings. Sometimes though it seems spontaneously the rules are broken for a special word.

My father has a PhD in english so he stresses for me to make sure to use words correctly and to always learn to new words. The dictionary is always always changing and retiring and adding new words.

In our world we are judged by our words. By how well we write in our english essays. By how well we punctuation and express ourselves at the audition. By if we understand and use the long words at our interview for that new job. You are always being judged by what you say or do.

This post was suposed to be like super physiological but it kind of just went everywhere. Hope you enjoyed. :) Tell me what you did this week in the comments.


  1. Words are incredible; Fundamentally, they're many symbols (letters) organised in a particular way which forms associations in our minds. I've never looked at the definition (or etymology) of the word 'word'. Very interesting!


  2. Excellent post. Very sharp.

    I think about words like "conservative" and what they've come to mean through common use. It seems a conservative is a sociopath, someone willing to harm himself in order to hurt others. Or perhaps it's a word for someone who likes to call themselves a Christian while, in truth, despising the Word of Christ. Or maybe it's a synonym for "racist". It reminds us that words often lose their original meaning.

    -- Ray

    1. Thank you so much Ray!

      It is interesting how when a word is created it can mean one thing but 100 years later it could mean something totally different.


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