Monday, September 10, 2018

Looking Back On My 2018 Summer Bucket List

Summer is officially ending on September 22nd and it's kind of blowing my mind??? I have already started school and it's in full swing but that doesn't mean my mind isn't still in summer mode. You might remember at the beginning of the summer I posted this post with my summer bucket list. More recently I posted this looking back on my goals for the year. Today I'll be doing a combination of those and looking back on my summer bucket list!
1. Go hiking at least once

Yes actually! When I was with my grandparents we didn't necessarily go hiking but we did do some pretty long walks in a woodsy area so I would say it counts.  

2. Invite friends over frequently

Yep yep yep! I haven't just been stuck in a hole all summer and I'm pretty happy about it. I was literally gone for a month but other than that I saw friends like every couple of days at least. 

3.  Eat healthily

I would say half. When I was at my grandparents I literally at ice cream every day. Not the healthiest. Buttttttt I have been more mindful of what I eat and I've been trying to always choose the healthy option. 

4. Post every/every other Saturday on my youtube channel

Yessssss!!  I missed one week but other than that I consistently posted every week on my youtube channel! I don't have the best videos ever but I still really like youtube and I hope I can keep doing it. :) 

5. Post either every day/every other day on Instagram

I've been posting about every other day except for that week I literally didn't have internet. I think my current posting schedule is good for me and it's not an overload like I think posting every day was for some people. 

6. Make the most out of/have fun at the camps I'm going too

I would say yeah. The engineering camp I went to was quite fun! We got to program a robot and learn to code and I got to interact with college students which is always fun. The algebra camp was, of course, less fun and really just like school but I did get to see friends which was nice. 

7. Commit to Girl Boss Teen Tribe

Not really. We said we would do a newsletter we didn't really do. And I said I would write more posts and I did write one but it hasn't been published and honestly I don't know what's going on. I have started working on the insta page though so I'm giving myself half. 

8. Decide what to do with this blog

Yeah nope. I said I would decide if I should switch to Wordpress or get my new domain and I just haven't. For now, though I'm good with this. 

9. Do at least 5 collabs

Yep, yep, yep!! Been doing quite a bit of collabs this summer actually! Speaking of collabs I'm doing a month of collabs in November for my blogiversary. If anyone wants to join please email me at 

10. Say yes and be present

Half. I have been saying yes to more things but I think that's mostly because I had so much screen time and so I'm not always looking for a way online because I was content with what I had. 

What were some of your goals for the summer? Did you accomplish them? 


  1. You reached most of your summer goals! Congratulations, dear! Good luck with your school :)
    // I'm going to write a post summarising my summer on my blog too

  2. You got a lot done!! I still can't believe summer is over....but I LOVE FALL so it's not all bad :)

    For your #8: I have a Wordpress blog and really love it but I started out on Blogger, too. And buying your own domain can be a little expensive; mine is a 3 year contract so I felt better paying a lot since it's drawn out over such a long time. So it's worth it!

    1. Haha same.

      Yeah I think I'm just scared to make such a big change plus the whole it being super expensive thing.

  3. Good job on reaching most of these goals! Thanks for sharing with us!!!


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