Monday, August 13, 2018

The Pros And Cons Of Blogging

Blogging can seem all amazingness and glitter and joy but guess what? It's not. Or maybe you think it's all terrible. Hopefully not. Today I'm going to be showing that it's both awesome and kind of annoying at times. Aka the pros and cons of blogging! This is a collab with the lovely Anika from Anika Walkes! She is also sharing her pros and cons of blogging over on her blog so make sure to check that out as well. :) Alright let's get started!

Pros Of Blogging:

First up the Prosssss! 

1. Meeting New People

Being able to meet new people and make new friends is one of my absolutely favorite things about blogging. It just makes me so happy. I've met people from all of over the world from Italy to New Jersey to London to Nicaragua. Like whatttttttttt??? I've learned so much about time zones in the past couple of years you guys don't even know. Oh, and we can't forget Australia where it's currently winter. Again what???? 

2. It's Fun 

I mean at least for me and I hope every other blogger. I love blogging so so so much. It is one of my favorite things in the world. I'm kind of a boring human being in general and blogging and social media is basically the only hobby of mine that I do more than one time a week lol. Yeah, I'm that person haha. I am always trying to improve my blog and it always makes me super happy when I publish something new and you guys like it. :)

3. You Learn New Things 

Besides the whole timezone thing, I have learned so so so much stuff I probably wouldn't have if not for blogging. Number one photography. I already loved stealing my mom's phone and taking pictures but was I that great? No. Am I great now? Still no. Have I gotten better though? Yessssssssss. I have taken more pictures because of blogging, and practice always helps but also I've read a lot of posts from other bloggers about photography which I wouldn't have if I didn't have a blog. Number two the obvious one which is of course writing. My writing is kind of terrible but am I a better expository (or whatever blogging is) writer than quite a bit of people I know? I mean honestly yeah. Plus I'm such a faster typer than like everyone I know my age haha. None of them seem to know how to type. I don't even type the correct way (don't tell my dad though) but I'm still pretty freaking fast. Last but not least graphic design! I'm still not that great but I have definitely gotten better haha. I remember my Picmonkey days. That was a time. 

Cons Of Blogging: 

And now for some conssssssssssssssss!

1. It's Time Consuming

I don't think people realize at all how much time blogging actually takes. You have to think of blog posts, take photos, write said blog posts, edit said blog posts, talk to other bloggers about things like collabs, read and comment on other blogs (one of the best ways to get your blog out there just FYI), graphic design, coding, keeping up with your website, trying to understand new internet rules, trying to get brands to collab with you IT'S HARD WORK OK. And because it is so time-consuming it can take you away from things that are probably more important like homework. At the moment the school I go to is quite easy (I mean it's a good school but you know) so I'm generally fine and get everything done but I'm kind of scared for high school and the new workload plus blogging. *hides because I'm scared and then realizes I still have another year so I'm fine kind of*

2. It Takes A While And Can Be Quite Hard To Become Popular 

If you start off with something like Instagram and then go to blogging you will be disappointed and confused. With Instagram you post and you get immediate like and comments and getting followers is relatively easy. Blogging is just so different. It's not fast paced like at all. Well at least for me haha. Becoming popular and actually getting loyal readers can be hard and take a long time. This makes a lot of people disheartened and makes them stop blogging which is just so sad. But I mean look at me. I've been blogging for about 4 and 1/2 years and I'm still not super popular. I do though have an amazing community of people who read my blog and a couple peeps who always comments so to you THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH IT MEANS A LOT TO MEEEEEEEEE.

3.  People Don't Get it

Some people my age just honestly don't know what blogging is. I mean at this point in my life most people do but some still don't and when I was younger it was worst. And then if they know what it is is it normally seen as cool or popular? Not really. When you say you have a youtube channel everyone is like oh what's your channel name I want to subscribe. But you don't really get that with blogging. And even if you do is said person probably going to actively read your posts? The likely thing is no. Most of the people who read my blog are other teen bloggers. That's usually different for adult bloggers who actually share info people look up (I mean I do too but because I'm not popular my posts usually won't come up in search engines) because then adults go to them for maybe recipes or home decor ideas. But people my age don't really seem to read blogs for fun or when they are looking things up because they will once again go to youtube or a legit website.

That was super fun and if you're not a blogger yourself or maybe a new blogger I hope you guys learned something about the wonderful world that is blogging. :) Once again make sure to check out Anika and her post! If you ever want to collab feel free to either dm me on Instagram or email me at

Are you a blogger? What are some of the pros and cons of blogging for you? 


  1. Thanks for collabing with me, Nabila!! I love your post and all its points. They're all so accurate. *blows kisses* <3

  2. I agree! I've only been blogging for a few months and it is SO. MUCH. FUN!
    But it is suuuuper time consuming.
    ( )

    1. Isn't it??? Yes haha it is pretty time consuming.

  3. I want to say that part of the reason no one is into following blogs or reading them is because it takes more effort to read a post than it does to watch a youtube video.<3 I love meeting others from around the world from the comfort of my home

  4. Everything's so true! Meeting new people is my favourite thing about blogging too :D Cool post!

  5. HAHAHA YES I REMEMBER MY PICMONKEY DAYS. Dude, my very first blog template had a, kid you not, sparkly banner at the top. Talk about extra, amiright? Coding is the one thing I never got the hang of during my 7+ years of blogging.

    I agree; blogging is sooooooo time consuming. The other day, I spent five hours on a blog post. o-o And it didn't even turn out that great. It's the worst when you're computer is being super slow and you want to add all these pictures and it's jUST NOT WORKING OUT. Oh the struggles. Plus, it also takes a while catch up on your friends' blogs and other blogs you want to read but you just doN'T HAVE TIME TO DO IT.

    I related to this post so much! I kind of want to do my own version of this. ^-^ Great post, Nabila!

    xx Kenzie |

    1. That's amazing haha. The way my blog looked when I first started is just terrible. I don't know what i was doing.

      Isn't it?? OH MY GOSH YES THE COMPUTER STRUGGLES LIKE AHHH NO. It's not fun!! Yeah I keep getting behind on reading everyones blogs and it's not great haha.

      You totally should! And thanks!

  6. Hi!! I just stumbled upon your blog and you seem like such a cool person :) This post also was very helpful in giving me a bit of a sneak peek to what I might want to expect, so thank you! I'm new to blogging and I'm glad to have found someone my age, so I'd love to be blogger friends, if you'd like!

    - shaye.

    1. Thanks Shaye! So happy it could be helpful. :) I would love to be blogger friends!

  7. So glad you included the one that sometimes people 'just don't get it!' No matter how many times you explain, it's so frustrating aha x
    Morgan //

  8. Meeting new people from all around the world is definitely one of my favourite part of blogging too! It's sort of crazy that I can post a new blog post and people who live in a different country and continent will read it?! I've met so many amazing people online. But yeah, blogging does take quite a lot of hard work, it can take me more than two hours to write and edit a single blog post 😓 And getting followers and comments is so hard?! I only really started getting comments regularly after I'd been blogging for like, a year... It was quite disheartening at times, but I'm glad I stuck with it! 😊 Anyway, great post!

    1. Yeah it just blows my mind sometimes how people from all over can look at my blog. Like what?????? It is a lot of hard work!! And people don't realize it at all. Happy you liked it. :)

  9. I'm feeling all of these right now, haha. I think trying to get followers on a blog is like trying to roll a snowball from a popcorn kernel. It starts really small and a lot of the snow doesn't stick but when it does it's very satisfying.
    Great post!


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