Thursday, May 11, 2017

5 Things Every Blogger Needs

Hello peoples! Today I am back with a blogging relating post. As you proably know I am a blogger (since you are reading my blog and all) and as a blogger there are some stuff that I use to make blogging a lot easier. Today I am am going to be listing 5 of those things in this post 5 Things Every Blogger Needs. Let's get started!

A calendar

It could be a physical calendar or a calendar app it doesn't really matter. I recently downloaded the google calendar app on my phone and I have made a point of using it for everything I do including my blog posts. It has been working super well and it is so organized that it makes me feel super calm. If I know I have to write a post I will put a reminder or if I know I have scheduled a post that will proably get a lot of comments I will put that on there as well, 


I have a wonderful notebook that I got about a year ago from an giveway that I absolutely love. Notebooks and journals can be used for pretty much anything and they are super helpful in blogging. You could put little ideas or whole posts in your journal it doesn't really matter. 


A professional blogger that was friends with my dad recommended this app to him and he told me about the app and I have loved it so much every since. I use vsco for all of my photos because it is so easy to use but also super helpful. Sometimes I go the tiniest bit overboard with editing my pictures because the app is so fun. Lol. :)

Something to take photos with 

This can be either a phone or a camera. Before I got a phone I used a really small pretty bad quality camera but once I got my phone (about half a year ago) I use it because it actually takes better photos. A really high quality camera though would be the best thing. Photos are essential for blogs and blog posts to make it look clean and pretty so something to take the photos with is a must

A notes app 

Or just some app on your phone or other electronic device that you can write on. I recently started using my phone to write down blogging ideas and it is so helpful. If you are out and about and you have a blog post idea but you don't have a piece of paper just write it in your phone. It is also good so that when you are out of ideas just look at the list.

And that is it for now! If you enjoyed please follow my blog and comment down below what kind of posts you would like to see from me and if you want more blogging related post. Bye!



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Saanvi! I'm happy you think so. :)

  2. Great tips! Totally agree with the calendar thing. I like to keep one just for the blog and another one for my other appointments!
    I've just found your blog and I'm folowing you on GFC! :)

    1. Thanks Michele! Ok I will follow you on there as well. :)


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