Tuesday, May 9, 2017

What Do You Think About Feminism with Envy Fisher, Dani Jones, and Pilar Hernandez

So I did a post a little bit ago asking if I could interview anyone and 3 wonderful people responded! I asked each of them a couple questions about a topic I am really interested in, Feminism! They all had amazing answers and I was really happy with them. I loved the different perspectives and how everyone answered the questions differently.

Pilar is an adult food blogger who has an amazing blog (she even has a book, it's pretty cool).
Envy is a teen blogger who blogs about travel and so many other things.
Dani is a tween blogger who blogs about books and also just life.

What does feminism mean to you/what do you think feminism means?

Pilar-"Feminism is about raising awareness, advocating and reaching equal rights for man and woman. "
Envy-" For a while feminism meant something from the past for me. You know, the movement that made it possible for me to vote and get birth control. Things that were achieved ages ago in my country. Then I ventured out to YouTube and discovered a very weird and disturbing side of feminism, where pronouns are more important than issues like the right to vote, or stopping climate change. Some anti-feminists call this 'bedroom feminism', a branch of feminism that spawns feminazi's. Yup, I said it. Feminism is losing its good name to this subsection of itself. I know I'm not the only one who feels like third wave feminism is now mostly about putting men down and whining over the use of certain words."
Dani-"When you are a feminist, you think men and women should be equal. That's it, not that woman should have power over men, not that women should be supreme leaders (although we'd be good at that :P), just that we deserve the same rights and treatment as men. "

Would you call yourself a feminist? Why or why not?

Pilar-"Yes, I'm proud to be a feminist. I want to ease the way for the new generation of woman. "
Envy-" I don't call myself a feminist. Never have, never will. Growing up I never faced injustice based on my gender, so I whenever I came up for myself and other girls I didn't think of it as a feminist action. It just felt like the right thing to do. But I never called myself a feminist. I'm not a fan of labelling things anyway. You don't have to call yourself a feminist to make a positive change in the world. The opposite is true to: you can call yourself a feminist and not make a positive change at all. So no, I don't label myself as a feminist, but that doesn't mean I'm against the movement."
Dani-"I would very much call myself a feminist. I believe in equality for all no matter what! Really and truthfully, I feel that if you're not a feminist, you believe that men should have more opportunity and respect than women! Which just isn't right!"

When did you first learn about feminism and what did you think about it?

Pilar-"I don't remember when I first heard about it. I'm an only child and raised in a family with strong women. These women raised me to be a career woman. College and education were always a priority.
At different points of my life, getting married and deciding what type of contract we will adopt for our earnings, later moving to a different country and learning the laws there, I'm always thinking is this fair? I question everything and I see the need for change."
Envy-" I first learned about feminism when I was about six years old I think. At school we were told about Aletta Jacobs, a Dutch woman who became my country's first female doctor. I was impressed and asked my teacher loads of questions. Sadly my teacher didn't know jack about feminism, so throughout the years I educated myself a little."
Dani-" I first learned about feminism a while back. I have no clue where or who told me about it, but all I can say is I got some pretty false info! They told me feminists were women who thought that women were better than men, so obviously I thought that they were not good people and I would never call myself one. It was a couple months ago that I actually learned what one really was. I was talking to my cousin and she said she was one, I was uber confused so she explained, now I am a BIG feminist."

Who is your favroite celebrity or person you know in real life that would call themselves a feminist?

Pilar-"Hillary Clinton"
Envy-"I don't really know which celebrities are openly feminist, except for Emma Watson. So she's my favorite by default, hahaha. In real life I know two feminists. My favorite of the two is my ex-boyfriend. There's something quite endearing and awesome about a big black guy saying he's a feminist and actually standing by it."
Dani-"My favorite celebrity is Emma Watson, and I'm pretty darn sure she's a feminist, but my favorite person in real life that is a feminist is definitely my Mom!"

Do you think the feminist movement is needed? Why or why not?

Pilar-"Oh yes! We are still lagging as women on equal pay, equal health services and so much more. We need to be our advocates and push for change."
Envy-" I do think the feminist movement is needed, but not in the way it's developing in some western countries. We do not need a verbal war over pronouns, we do not need political correctness and censorship as a next step towards equality. I'm way too idealistic for my own good, but when I look at the world I see places where women are still seen as less than men, or even unworthy of basic things like an education. We need feminism to make sure all girls and women are given fair chances. How we're supposed to do that, I have no idea. But ranting on YouTube about how insensitive it is for people not to use your preferred pronoun 'zyr' is not going to make this world a better place."
Dani-"I don't think that a HUGE feminism movement (such as that March Nabila went to) is needed, but I do think that everyone should raise awareness whenever they can, point out how men aren't treating (some of) us right, fight for it a little at a time so that we can say we are an equal opportunity world."

Weren't these answers just so awesome! Like I am still blown away. If you would like more posts where I interview people about a specific topic then please comment down below. I also challenge you to answer one of the questions I asked about or if you learned anything in the comments section down below. Bye!


  1. This post is absolutely brilliant!! Honestly, there are so many heated/ranty debates online about feminism that it's refreshing to see such an open expression of opinion. I thought Envy's opinion was really interesting to me personally (not surprising as her blog is brilliant). There are times I've doubted Western feminism, but I definitely agree feminism is many parts of the world!

    1. Thank you so much jo! It makes me so happy that you like my post. I seriously love your posts. :) Yeah sometimes heated rants and that sort of thing can be kind of hard to read. Also yes Envy's blog is extremely brilliant. Thanks for commenting!

  2. I got goosebumps just reading this! I love all these answers!
    -Dani Jones

    1. Thanks for answering some of the questions. :)

  3. I love reading the other interviews. Thanks for the opportunity Nabila.

  4. Odd. I've come across Envy Fisher and Dani Jones blogs before. Small world? Both are excellent.

    Pilar Hernandez's cooking blog is a great find. Somehow I'm going to try her recipes, though I may have to modify them a bit for my diet.

    It's not the first time I've noticed you have a talent for journalism, Nabila.


    1. There blogs are quite amazing and I would say we are in the same small blogging community.

      Yeah her blog is so cool!

      Oh thanks. I love journalism (I am actually taking broadcast journalism in school).


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