Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Blogtober day 20/21

I missed yesterday of blogtober with was the halloween tag so I am both going to do the tag and write a letter to myself in 5 years.

First the tag

1- What year did you first go trick-or-treating?

I have been going ever since I could remember

2- Favorite kind of candy?

I would have to say either milk chocolate and smarties or really anything like that.

3- What are you going to be this year?

I want to be a zombie waitress but I'm sure how I am going to pull that of.

4 - Favorite costume you've had?

That would be last year when I was Katniss and I made my own bow that actually worked

5 - Favorite spooky creature?

I can't really remember that many right now but from the monsters I can remember I would say a vampire.

6 - How hyped do you get for Halloween?

Is that even a question? I get definitely super-super-super-super times like a lot hyped

7 - Halloween Pinteresty thing that you've always wanted to try?

I don't really look at pinterest :(

8- Favorite part of Halloween?

I can't really decide between the candy (I'm sugar thirsty), the friends (I mean who doesn't like to hang out with their friends?), or the wearing and creating the costumes

9 - Orange or black?

Well orange is the new black? Right? Ok my real answer is that I can't really decide. Black I of course wear more often clothes but orange is such a pretty color.

I tag absolutely every one who loves halloween 

Now I will do the letter to myself in 5 years


Dear 16 year old self,

How're you doing?  Are you doing good? Has your life been pretty good so far? I hope it has.  This is you when you were 11.  I am currently in 5th grade.  

Are you still blogging? If you are not then I want you to go on blogger and make one right now.  But if you are thats awesome. That would be an amazing time to have one. I think that if you still have a blog you should treat your self to something nice. 

 I wonder what High School you're going to? You are a sophomore right? (p.s. if I am wrong on this correct me in comments because I am not actually good at paring grades with ages).  Is High school really as hard as it seems in book? I kind of hope not. 

 I guess sixteen is when you get your driver license. Have you got it yet? 

I hope you have awesome friends,  Maybe some kind of job like maybe-sitting, and, a pretty nice place to live.  That would be nice. If you do have some kind of job to you have a goal the money is going towards?

You are probably doing some kind of sport or club right? Well of course you are knowing me.  I wonder what it is. Mmm.... Is it Odyssey of the Mind. Oh and also if you are I wish you luck in the competitions. 

Now for a very important question.  Have you seen Katy Perry or Taylor Swift in concert yet? I really hope you do or maybe do it in the very near future. 

~your 11 your old self


So that was a letter to my sixteen your old self. Also beside those 2 things I have taken a couple of pictures of these really pretty tomatoes and some basil with flowers. Hope you like them :D


1 comment:

  1. Aww this was so sweet, your introduction to the photography at the end was so adorable.

    Great great great post Nabila!


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