Sunday, October 11, 2015

My birthday Party

Yesterday along with a roller derby game with you can find out about here. In this post I will talk about my party.

It was super fun. It was a spy theme so we each got passports with are code names on them them when we played a game we would cross of one of the things and then supposedly after everything was crossed off we were oficial spies.  I know it sounds really little kiddish but is was actually kind of fun.

First we did a little dress up like thing. Where we had halloween makeup to try to make ourselves not look like ourselves. One of my friends ended up looking really crazy cause 2 of my other friends were going crazy on her face. After that we did an interrogation game a lot like headbands and 20 questions combined. Where we each had a picture of something like a zebra or cinderella attached to our backs and we had 20 questions to guess what it was. 3rd we did target practise. For that we used a picture of a criminal drawn by my dad and nerf guns. Then we did this super cool clue game. The clues were hidden all over the house and they were codes that to read my dad would have to use is phone. The last clue led to a key that opened this bag that had candy and hair spray. Lets just say one of my friends with curly hair mom I'm pretty sure is going to kill her and then another who is sugar addicted was probably bouncing of the walls of her bed trying to go to bed last night.  Then last but not least of the games we did a laser course. We didn't use real lasers or anything but strings attached to the walls and if we touched them the alarm would go off (my moms and dads voice).

After that we had dinner of hot dogs and mack and cheese followed by a move called Harriet the Spy. During the movie we had homemade milkshakes that were super good. Then around 9 my friends left and I crawled into bed satisfied with my day then woke up and wrote this post. 


  1. That sounds so fun! Happy Birthday, Nabila!
    ~ Sanjana

    Happy bday Nabila!! Thanks so much for reading my blog! -Elsie

  3. Happy birthday girl! Hope you had/have a good one! :)


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